Friday 28 December 2012

Bolo rei caseiro ~ Homemade king cake

The making off:

Bolo rei (English: literally King Cake) is a traditional Portuguese cake that is usually eaten around Christmas, from December 25 until the Dia de Reis (literally Day of Kings, a reference to the three kings) on January 6. The cake itself is round with a large hole in the centre, resembling a crown covered with crystallized and dried fruit.
The bolo rei is baked from a soft, white dough, with raisins, various nuts, and crystallized fruit. Also included is the characteristic "fava", and tradition dictates that whoever finds the fava has to pay for the bolo rei next year. A small prize (usually a small metal toy) was also included within the cake. The inclusion of the prize has been discontinued since mid-90s, the producers usually saying it was "forbidden by the European Union, citing safety reasons", which is completely nonsense, since the similar Spanish Rosca de reyes or Tortell still contain a gift.
in wikipedia

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Bolo presépio ~ Crib cake

Um período de Natal muito intenso a vários níveis não me tem permitido vir até aqui partilhar os nossos momentos. Para já deixo o nosso bolo presépio!
A very intense Xmas time at various levels has not allowed me to come here and share our moments. Our cake crib for now!

Monday 17 December 2012

Bolachinhas de Natal ~ Xmas biscuits

125g manteiga + 200g açucar  + 1 ovo + 250g farinha. Ir mexendo bem e amassar.
1/2h no frigorífico
180º durante 10min.
Para pintar: tintas alimentares
Para colar: glacé - 1 colher sopa de clara de ovo + 1 gota de limão + 2 colhers sopa açucar em pó. Mexer bem.

125g butter + 200g sugar + 1 egg + 250g flour. Keep stirring and knead.
1/2h in a refrigerator.
180 º for 10 minutes.
To paint: food dyes
To paste: 1 tablespoon of eggwhite + 1 lemon drop + 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Stir well.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Serra da Estrela (part 6 / 6): Loriga


Finalista das 7 maravilhas, praias de Portugal
7 Wonders – Beaches of Portugal shortlist


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