Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Boneco de neve em casa ~ Making snowman inside

To make indoor snowmen, you will need:
  • 2 boxes of cornstarch ~ farinha maizena
  • a can of foaming shaving cream ~ lata de espuma de barbear
  • a box or plastic container
  • a sheet or tarp or even newspaper
  • any random materials you have around your house
1. Empty 2 boxes of cornstarch into a box, plastic container, tub, or any other container you have lying around. I used an old gift box with a lid. A lid comes in handy if you want to be able to keep your “snow” to use another day.
2. Add the shaving cream to your cornstarch. I used almost the whole can.
3. Gather together random odds and ends from around the house that can be used to play with the snow. I grabbed a few handfuls of objects from our Treasure Box. Use your imagination here, you could use leaves, twigs and other objects from the yard, you could use beans, pasta, and other dried foods, or even candy. (As long as the kids don’t try to eat it!)
4. Let the little ones mix the cornstarch and shaving cream together until it forms a crumbly powder that sticks together if you form it into a ball. If it won’t stick together, just add a little more shaving cream.
5. They can use any of the objects you have rounded up to explore their “snow” and build whatever they can imagine.
When I mentioned to my daughter that we could make snowmen with our “snow”, she started making a flat snowman using the objects I had gathered for her. After doing that for a while, she realized she could form the “snow” into balls for a 3-D snowman. That is when it really got fun.
Via here

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